As per our bylaws, the BOMA BC financial statements are audited annually. In 2023, Loen & Company – the Association’s approved auditors – conducted the audit.
The Auditor reports a surplus of $193,091 revenue over expenses for the year ending December 31, 2023 (deficit of $208,200 in 2022). Total revenue is recorded at $1,921,278 and expenses (including amortization) at $1,728,187. End-of-year net assets are at $2,980,778 (from $2,787,687 in 2022). This includes the operating account, as well as the General Reserve Fund of $500,000; Advocacy Fund of $75,000; and Special Initiatives Fund of $50,000. Investments consist of marketable securities and short-term investments of Guaranteed Investment Certificates with maturity dates of one year or less from date of acquisition.
BOMA BC continues to meet its obligations under the Societies Act and provides a wide range of member services while maintaining a strong financial position.
Full audited financial statements are available here.